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Pollution Prevention Week 2024!

It's Pollution Prevention Week!  The third week in September is dedicated to learning and practicing how to reduce and prevent pollution in our communities. It has been 34 years since the Pollution and Prevention Act of 1990 highlighting the initiatives and practices that businesses have put in place to help protect the environment from waste and other pollutants. 
What Can Anyone Do?
When you think pollution prevention reducing waste, reusing material, and recycling are usually what come to mind. Some other tactics to celebrate pollution prevention week is being efficient with energy. Turning off the lights or water faucets when not in use, making sure buildings are well insulated, and maximizing laundry loads are just a few other ways to not waste energy or water. Small changes that are sustainable can make the most impact in preventing pollution.
What Can Businesses Do?
The best way businesses can celebrate pollution prevention week is to act! Place initiatives to prevent practices that can be harmful to the environment and the community. Looking at the business process to see where waste is developed, meeting industry standards, and pushing for innovation in places where processes can be improved are a few of the starting points in business pollution prevention.  
How Can Labtopia Help?
Labtopia has multiple services that can aid labs and other businesses with pollution prevention. Labtopia works with varying industries such as Environmental, Oil & Gas, Cosmetic, etc with Process MappingQuality System ImplementationAudits, and Accreditation for industry standards such as TNI.
Labtopia is dedicated to providing key solution services to the environmental industry. Learn more about Labtopia Solutions!